Thank you for your thoughts, prayers and donations
Your friends and family at the Alano Club are Safe. We are unable to fulfill product orders at this time due to a catastrophic loss of our inventory. Please consider making a donation through the website or Venmo QR code below.

We are looking for volunteers to help carry on the important mission of the Alano Club. If you would like to volunteers, please contact us.

Are you looking for a clean and sober environment for fellowship and recovery?
Whether you live locally or are visiting the Maui the Alano Club is here to provide a safe and comfortable enviromnent. Multiple meetings are available each day. The Alano Club hosts Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Alanon meetings.
Make a meeting Today!
Reasons to Join
to join the Alano Club of Lahaina
Gifts worth giving

Friday night dinner
July 20-21, 2023
Register Now